Comparative and Superlative Degree. Materi dan Latihan Soal.

Kinds of Adjectives

           By. Siti Musthoriyah 

Assalamu'alaikum teman-temaaannn.❤

Kali ini saya membuat Ringkasan materi tentang Adjective dan contoh latihan soalnya yaa....
Adjective adalah kata sifat. Dalam Bahasa Indonesia juga terdapat kata sifat lohhh.. contohnyaa : cantik, manis, imut, baik, pintar , bodoh, rajin, kaya, miskin, tinggi, pendek dan lainnya masih ada banyaaak lagi ya. 
Dalam Bahasa Inggris, ketika kita ingin membandingkan dua benda, kita sebut dengan Comparative yang maknanya LEBIH. Sedangkan jika kita ingin membandingkan hanya satu dari banyak benda disebut Superlative yang artinya PALING. 

Contoh dalam Bahasa Indonesia : 1. Riska lebih tinggi dari Rina. 
                                                     contoh tersebut disebut Comparative Degree dalam Bahasa Inggris. 
                                                          2. Riska paling tinggi di kelas.
                                                     contoh tersebut disebut Superlative Degree dalam Bahasa Inggris. 

Bagaimana??? Sudah ada gambaran mengenai perbedaan Comparative Degree dengan Superlative Degree kan????
Untuk penjelasan selanjutnya,, kalian bisa simak penjelasan dan contoh soal berikut ini!

Adjective (Kata Sifat)
Kinds of adjective
  1. Some adjective tell about size of people or things
A big house                           a high mountain
  1. Some adjective tell about color of things
a red carpet                           a black shoes
  1. Some adjective tell about quality of people or things
A beautiful woman             an old uncle
  1. Some adjective are made from proper nouns of place. It is called adjectives of origin.
A Filipino dress                     an Indian  Temple

Superlative and comparative

A. Superlative (paling)

rumusnya  :   -The + Adjective + est         (untuk 1suku kata)
                       - The + most + Adjective   (untuk lebih dari 1/2 suku kata)

                        Riska is the smartest student.
                        Riska is the most beautiful girl in the class. 

contoh perubahan kata sifat dalam Superlative:
1 Suku kata
Dark       darkest                   old          oldest
Light       lightest                   fast         fastest
High       highest                   slow        slowest
Low        lowest                     tall          tallest
 bad         worst                       good       best     (berbeda dengan yang lain yaaa)

lebih dari 1 suku kata 
Most famous                       
Most beautiful   
most comfortable 
Most handsome
Comparative (lebih)

Rumusnya : -Adjective + er  + Than         ( untuk 1 suku kata)
                      - More + Adjective + Than    (untuk lebih dari 1 suku kata)

                       Riska is fatter than Rina
                       Riska is more famous than Rina. 

contoh perubahan kata sifat dalam Comparative 
1 Suku kata 
Close      closer                      easy        easier
Wide       wider                      dirty        dirtier
Thin        thinner                   
bad         worse                      good       better    (berbeda dengan yang lain yaaa)

lebih dari 1 suku kata 
More expensive
More comfortable
More beautiful
More dilligent 

               A.  Underline the adjective in the following sentences!

1.       There is an empty room upstairs
2.       You are so kind
3.       Don’t be crazy
4.       This park is clean and green
5.       We are all bored.
6.       James was absent because he was ill
7.       Fatimah is helpful with the small cores in the kitchen
8.       I am tired and hungry
9.       Grandfather is old and spirited.

B. Fill in the blanks with suitable adjective.

1.       The ice cream is very……………….
2.       It’s very ………….. in summer
3.       The company is giving away ………… gifts to its customers.
4.       They live in a …………. House
5.       Rika  is wearing a ………….. skirt
6.       The climbers are climbing up a ……. Mountain
7.       Many ….. people have no home.

Hot                 large                      short
High               sweet                      poor       free

C. Write the correct comparative and superlative forms in the blank spaces!
Paul likes playing football. He’s a vey good player, but his friend Sally is a …….. (good) player. She’s the …….  (good) player in the school. She is ………(fast) and …….. (strong) than all the boys, even the boys who …… (old) and …………..(big) than her. Paul thinks all games are interesting, but football is the ………….(good) game and it’s …….(noisy) than all the games. He play football with his friends. When the grass is wet. Everyone get dirty when they play football. But sally gets …………(dirty) and …….(wet) than everyoneelse.


1.       Generally, girls are (talkative/more talkative/most talkative)  than boys.
2.       Cricket is an (exciting/ excitingest/ excitinger) game.
3.       Arpita is looking (gorgeous, gorgeouser, gorgeousest) in this dress.
4.       Diamond is the (hard/ hardest/ harder ) natural material.
5.       Rohan is a (trustworthy/ trustworthier/ trustworthiest) boy.
6.       The entire staff of the hotel we stayed at was very (friendly/ friendlier/ friendliest).
7.       You are getting (gooder/ better / goodest) all the time.
8.       Your efforts to accomplish the project (outstandinger/ outstanding/ outstandingest).
9.       She has a very ( sour bitter / sweet /sweetest) voice.
10.    This exercise is quite ( more simple/ simple/ most simple).
11.    Mr . Rangga felt very (disappointed/ more disappointed/ most disappointed ) when his son failed the final examination.
12.    I feel (relaxed/ relaxing/ relaxful) on Sundays.
13.    Gunawan felt (ashamed/ proud/ glad) when his manager shouted at him in front of his junior.
14.    She is always (confident/ bashful/ bold ). So she avoids being photographer.
15. My elder sister is 25. She still feels (frightening/ frightener/ frightened) when she sees cockroach.

Naaahhh, itu adalah Ringkasan materi dan contoh soal tentang Comparative (lebih) dan Superlative (paling). Jika masih ada yang bingung belum mengerti silahkan bertanya di kolom komentar ya, atau bisa hubungi saya lewat email. Tanya kunci jawaban boleh ndak??? boleh dong, with pleasure!☺
Yang terpenting adalah mau mencoba dulu!!!


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