Summary "The Thief of Smells". Ringkasan, Tema, Tokoh, Pengalaman, dan pembelajaran dalam Bahasa Inggris terkait dalam cerita.

Assalamu'alaikum teman-temaaaaaaaan ☺.  

Setelah lihat video video animasi "The Umbrella man" written by Roahl Dahl. Saya memutuskan untuk melihat video "The Thief of Smells" Ceritanya itu masih ada sedikit garis lurus dengan cerita "The Umbrella Man". Cerita "The Thief of Smells" menceritakan seorang pembuat kue yang rakus dan pelit. Mencium bau dari rotinya saja harus bayar loh.. Padahal bau tersebut dibawa oleh udara kan dan air is free. Setuju kan? Di tengah-tengah konflik ada seorang Jaksa yang adil dan bijaksana yang mempunyai trik untuk menghadapi pembuat roti yang rakus tersebut. Caranya sangat bagus sekali. Membela orang yang tidak bersalah. Pokoknya bijak bangetttt. 

Seperti kemarin, saya juga buat beberapa unsur intrinsik dari cerita tersebut dalam Bahasa Inggris. Semoga bisa bermanfaat buat teman-teman ya. check it out! ☺❤

The Thief of Smells

             The story tells about a greedy baker and a young man. The baker can make softest bread and delicious cake.  Many people walk down the street to smells the baker’s wonderful bread and his delicious cakes. The baker doesn’t like this. He is not a very kind man and he never smiles.  One day, he sees a young man wearing an old coat. He smells the fresh bread. The baker feels very angry and walks across the shop, opens the door and shouts at the man, “pay me!” the young man feel so confused. The baker explains to him that he steals the smells of his bread.  
            The young man tries to defend himself. He tells that he just smells the air. The baker forces him to pay for the smells from his shop and threatens him. The young man still won’t to pay the baker. Then the baker pulls the young man to the judge’s house. The baker accuses the young man as a thief. The judge is surprised and he asks them to enter his house. The judge asks the baker to tell everything first. Then the young man also tells everything. He tries to defend himself. The judge listens quietly. 
           When they finish telling their stories. The judge is silent for a few minutes. Then the judge asks the young man to take out a few coins from his pocket. The young man put the coins into the judge’s hand. The judge asks the baker to listen carefully. He shakes the coins in his hands and they clink together. The judge says to the baker that the sound of money is the best way to pay the smell of bread.  The judge gives the coins back to the poor young man and ask for him to go home.
A poor young man and
The judge

The Baker

A wise judge. The ways to face a stingy person.
Evocative experience(s)
My experiences related the stories are:
-          In this era many people just look for money. They assume that money is everything. Everything can be replaced by money.  

For example:  when I was on Elementary School I have friends. They were so nice and helpful. But one of them had different characters. She was older than us. She was so greedy and egoist. She wanted to be a captain in our group. Then she asked us to help her doing her homework or etc.  We can’t ignore it because we were so young and scared if she got angry with us. She also chose one of us who had much money. Then she would be friendly with her. When I didn’t want to do her commands and didn’t give money to her. She was angry with me and she incited my friends to keep away from me.

-          Many people just look at the outside of the other person.
For example: I ever did shopping in a store. I would buy Wardah lipstick matte number 16.  I was so hurry up and didn’t have much time to make up or changed my clothes with beautiful or elegant clothes. I just wore a scout skirt and a simple jacket. I didn’t wear a beautiful or cute mini bag. I saved my money inside my pocket. When I asked the shopkeeper to show me the taster of Wardah Lipstick matte. She showed it me without smiling. She looked lazy to service me. When I asked for something, she answered unfriendly. Then a beautiful girl with cute clothes and beautiful bag came to the store and ask for something to the shopkeeper. I saw the different service from her. She serviced that girl friendly, helpful and smiling every time to her.  From that situation I concluded that the shopkeeper’s service was depended on the customers’ appearance.

Significance for own English learning
In this video I also learn about the meaning of some words and the word order of the sentence.  When I listening to the audio it can also improve my listening, grammar and my pronunciation skills.


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