This is me...
good peole. My Name is Siti Musthoriyah. You can call me Ria. I was born in Boyolali, on December 12th 1995.
I just celebrate my sweet 23 years old.
I started school when I was five years
old at TK Islamiyah in Klego, Boyolali . After that, I studied at MI Islamiyah
Karang Pakel and Junior High School MTs N Andong, in Boyolali too. My Senior
High School is in SMA N 1 Andong. And I got my next studied at State Islamic
Insitut of Surakarta (IAIN). After graduated from IAIN in 2017, I started to
teach at KBS Course. From that experience, I realized that I feel comfortable
to teach English. I like to talk and meet my students. One of my dreams is to
be a professional English teacher. I want to present it to my parents. I want
to make them feel proud of me. They are my inspiration, flashlight, and
everything. I really love them no matter what. Now, I am studying at Sanatha
Dharma University. I am very grateful and feel so lucky because I got an
opportunity to learn about Teacher Profession Education. This is one of my
efforts to be a professional teacher. I get much new knowledge here. Besides
that, I meet new friends and lecturers. They are so friendly, humble, and nice.
Besides teaching, I also like everything that can make me enjoy and
comfortable. I am a cheerful girl. I like eating, watching food vlogger in
Youtube, and speaking with myself in front of the mirror to boosting my
confidence. As an English teacher, I should be a role model to my students, so
I try hard to become a fluent speaker in English. So, it can inspire and
motivates my students to practice English in their daily life.
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