Refleksi Setelah Melaksanakan Pembelajaran
- What
challenges do you face when working on the projects?
can be called as a successful learner when we can overcome the challenges. I
believe that everybody has challenges in doing something. Although they have
different level of that challenges. When I was working on the projects, I found
some challenges. My challenges were
about time management, English capabilities, and spirit.
I have difficulty to manage my time exactly. Actually I had some plans to do
every day. However, sometimes the reality was different with my plans. For example, I must do the video-book project
and I should finish it soon. Then, suddenly my laziness came and whispered me
to take a rest first for a while. After that, I forgot about the project. I did
other activities such as watching movie, chatting with my friends, and
sleeping. When I realized that the project should be submitted soon. I spent my
day to finish it quickly. I went to sleep late to do the project. When I have
finished it, I felt dizzy. That was my bad habit. Nowadays, I try to manage my
time well. I motivate myself to do the task as soon as possible. After that, I
can enjoy my time and do the next tasks.
second challenge is about my English capabilities. I am still not good enough
in English. When I retold the story based on the video, I have difficulty in
writing English well using an appropriate grammar and usage. When I wrote
English sentences, I am not really sure that my grammar was correct or not. So,
I need long times to finish the project. When Miss Pat or Miss Mariska asked me
to tell the story in front of the class, then my heart was beating faster. I am
really nervous. I was not confident to speak English in public. I worried about
my grammar.
last challenge is about my spirit. When my spirit getting up, I can do the
project and finish it before the deadline.
- What
are the lessons learned from the projects?
lessons that I have learned from the projects are writing, speaking, listening,
pronunciation, and vocabulary.
is about listening. When I watched the video-book, I also listened to the
speaker pronunciation. I learned how to pronounce the unfamiliar words. There
are also some familiar words that I still pronounce the words incorrectly. That
made me really shy. Then, I practice the correct pronunciation.
Second is about writing. There
are seven aspects that should be answer based on the video-book. They are:
Title, Summary, Protagonist, Antagonist, Theme, Evocative experience, and Significance for own English learning. When writing the answer on every aspect, I
tried to make a good sentence using the appropriate grammar. That was one of my
challenges in doing the projects. I usually did the project by myself. Then,
based on the feedback from Miss Pat or Miss Mariska, I knew my mistakes then I
tried to change my incorrect sentence into correct one. The feedback really
helped me to write English sentence using the appropriate grammar. I
studied about the good order of sentences. So, I can improve my grammar
Third is about vocabulary. I
can get new vocabulary that I haven’t known before and the vocabulary that I
have forgotten. So, I can recall my memories again. When I found the unfamiliar
words in every video-book, I searched the meaning of the words in my
dictionary. It can help me to enrich my vocabulary.
- How
can you use the videos or the content of the videos to help you as
a teacher, I should make an interesting learning to increase the students’
spirit to study. I have a plan to my students using this strategy. Based on my
own experiences, I learn English more fun using video-book. I can enrich my vocabulary;
improve my listening and writing skills also.
I will give a video-book to my students. I can use the video-book to
learn narrative text. I will give the students some aspects to be analyzed
based on the video. Then, I will ask them to watch the video first. While the
students watch the video-book, they will listen to the audio. They will get new
vocabulary and how to pronounce it. It will improve their listening skill.
Furthermore, I will ask the students
to write their opinion about the story based on the video and retell the story
in front of the class. After collecting their result, I will give a feedback
for the students as like as Miss Pat and Miss Mariska did. I hope that the
students will learn about the differences of correct and incorrect sentence in
English. From the story that they have watched before, the students will retell
the story in front of the class. As a teacher, I want my students to practice
speaking English as much as they can. I
will ask them to retell the story based on their own understanding. I hope that
it can improve their confidence to speak English. So, they can improve their
speaking skill.
Based on the video-book, I want to
teach a social education also. There are some moral values that we can learn
from the video-book. I will ask them to find the moral value from the story
based on the video-book. Then, I will give a feedback for them. I hope they
will apply it in their real life.
- How
do these projects help your journey as English teachers?
am still not good enough in English. As an English teacher, I should be master
in English. When doing these projects, I learned some vocabularies and how to
pronounce it. So, these projects help me to improve my speaking skill. As a
teacher, I want to be a role model for my students. I want to give an example
how to speak English well using the appropriate grammar and good pronunciation.
Then, I hope my students will interest to learn English more.
there is a moral value from the video that has given by the lecturers. We have
discussed it in every meeting. Then, I will share those moral values to my students.
- What
suggestions can you provide for a better project?
strategies that used in learning video-books are fun. I enjoyed the lesson. I
got a new knowledge and information in every meeting. The lecturers used an
interesting technique, so, it makes us more comfortable. The lecturers’
expression made me calm during the lesson. I did not feel afraid anymore. As a
teacher, I need to make an interesting class also. I should be humble with my
students in order to make them enjoy the lesson.
think for the next project, the video-books should be contained with any
pictures. It will make the students feel interesting to watch the video.
Furthermore, the teacher/the lecturers should give a time for students to share
their opinion about the video first with their group before sharing it in front
of class. By sharing with their group, it will make them more confidence. After
sharing with their group, I think if there are still enough time, each student
should get opportunity to share their opinion in front of the class. Then, in
the end of the lesson, the teacher/the lecturer can ask the students to write
their feeling during the lesson, comment, and suggestion for the next meeting.
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